OFFICERS 2024-2025
Our Officers are team elected and help both our English and Western Teams run smoothly!
Our leadership is elected by the whole team. President and Vice President coordinate between IHSA, coaches, captains, and the team to ensure our big-picture stuff is happening smoothly. Our captains work with their teams and coaches to run their respective teams, practices, and get us ready for shows.
Public Outreach
Our Fundraising and Social Chairs are the public face of our team. Our Fundraising Chair coordinates with MSU, sponsors, and partner organizations to help raise money and build relationships. Our Social Chairs are the workhorses (no pun intended) of our outreach, running our social media, email, and this website! They are incredibly knowledgeable in the ins and outs of our team and will be the first to get back to you with answers.
Safety Officers
Our Safety Officers are elected by their respective teams to ensure the safety of all riders and horses in and out of the arena.